Saturday 30 March 2013

Hogsmeade - Bee Cottage

Bee Cottage is currently home to the Knutsbridge family. It's a cottage perched near the Village's entrance, just opposite the Three Broomsticks. The Cottage used to farm bees for their wax and honey, and sell candles, including many of the ones used in Hogwarts and the village of Hogsmeade. These days, however, the Knutsbridge family focus on other things and have only two beehives left which they gather honey from.

The ground floor holds the family kitchen and living area, with a small study nook.

The Knutsbridge's are not a wealthy family, and so their accommodation is fairly basic. The Cottage's kitchen hasn't changed much since the days when candles were made here - the flagstones still spotted with drops of wax in places.

Marian and Edmund are both Healers by trade, and this little study nook is the perfect place to brush up on their potions and research. (The open books on the desk are a computer).

Upstairs there is the large master bedroom, with a copper bath, a nursery for young Pippa Knutsbridge, and a bathroom.

Again, the furnishings are practical rather than decorative up here.

The second floor holds Grandma Elsa's bedroom, and also some space which can be converted as the family grow.

Elsa's room is her sanctuary, a place for her to get away from it all.

 And finally, there is a large attic, again giving the family room to expand.

Out the back of the cottage is the outhouse (toilet), and steps down to the hives.

 Although it's not the farm it once was, Elsa and Marian like to keep the tradition going, gathering honey to sell at the market.

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