Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Knutsbridge Family

A pureblood, working class family living in the village of Hogsmeade. Traditionally, the Knutsbridge family have been chandlers and sold honey, but the family business came to a close when Edmund, the only son, decided to study to become a Healer instead of carrying on the family business. It's while studying that he met Marian, also a trainee Healer, and the couple married and settled in Edmund's family home, Bee Cottage. The couple currently have one young daughter, Pippa.

Elsa Knutsbridge


Elsa is a traditional witch with a penchant for cooking and potions. She works at the village's Apocathery, tends the family's beehives and also helps to look after her granddaughter, Pippa, who she dotes on. She hates when the house is untidy and things are out of place, and likes to find solace in a good book.

Date of Birth: August 29th 1950
Starsign: Virgo
Parents: Mr & Mrs Knutsbridge (d. unplayed)
Spouse: Eric Knutsbridge (d. unplayed)
Children: Edmund Knutsbridge
Blood Status: Pureblood

Personality:  9 Neat, 4 Shy, 4 Lazy, 4 Serious, 4 Grouchy.
Interests: Paranormal, Food, Weather
Traits: Organised, Natural Cook, Bookworm.
Aspiration: Knowledge.

School: Hogwarts | Hufflepuff
Career: Employee at Hogsmeade Apocathery.
Friends: Bernie Rush, Rhodri Hipworth (boss)
Societies/Loyalties: Witches' Institute

Edmund Knutsbridge

Edmund likes to learn, and he would never have been content making candles for a living. Instead, after graduating from Hogwarts, he attended the Dilys Derwent Academy to train as a Healer. There he met and fell in love with Marian. He is a good and generous man, who doesn't like to let others down, and works hard to support his family.

Date of Birth: July 7th 1985
Starsign: Cancer
Parents: Eric (d. unplayed) & Elsa Knutsbridge
Spouse: Marian Knutsbridge
Children: Pippa Knutsbridge
Blood Status: Pureblood

Personality:  7 Neat, 2 Shy, 4 Lazy, 3 Serious, 9 Nice.
Interests: Money, Sports, Travel
Traits: Good, Loves the Outdoors, Bookworm
Aspiration: Knowledge.

School: Hogwarts | Hufflepuff
College: Dilys Derwent Academy
Career: Junior Healer at St. Mungo's Hospital

Marian Knutsbridge

A confident and charismatic girl, Marian was a popular girl at Hogwarts, going on to be a Prefect and then Head Girl in her seventh year. She attended The Dilys Derwent Academy with the intention of becoming a Healer, although her lifelong ambition is to become a member of the Wizengamot. At the moment though, she is balancing looking after her daughter, getting along with her mother-in-law and trying to maintain her sanity!

Date of Birth: October 1st 1987
Starsign: Libra
Parents: unplayed
Spouse: Edmund Knutsbridge
Children: Pippa Knutsbridge
Blood Status: Pureblood

Personality:  3 Sloppy, 9 Outgoing, 2 Lazy, 6 Playful, 5 Grouchy.
Interests: Politics, Food, Travel, Fashion
Traits: Charismatic, Natural Cook, Brave
Aspiration: Popularity.

School: Hogwarts | Gryffindor, Prefect + Head Girl
College: Dilys Derwent Academy
Career: Previously Junior Healer, Currently Homemaker
Friends: Leah Addler, Ginny Potter, Bernie Rush
Societies/Loyalties: Witches' Institute

Pippa Knutsbridge

Pippa likes to play and to make a mess! She adores her grandmother, and likes to terrorise Dusty the cat.

Date of Birth: May 15th 2015
Starsign: Taurus
Parents: Edmund & Marian Knutsbridge
Blood Status: Pureblood

Personality:  3 Sloppy, 6 Outgoing, 3 Lazy, 9 Playful, 4 Grouchy.
Interests: Animals, Toys, Travel
Traits: Brave, Mischievous

Hogsmeade - Bee Cottage

Bee Cottage is currently home to the Knutsbridge family. It's a cottage perched near the Village's entrance, just opposite the Three Broomsticks. The Cottage used to farm bees for their wax and honey, and sell candles, including many of the ones used in Hogwarts and the village of Hogsmeade. These days, however, the Knutsbridge family focus on other things and have only two beehives left which they gather honey from.

The ground floor holds the family kitchen and living area, with a small study nook.

The Knutsbridge's are not a wealthy family, and so their accommodation is fairly basic. The Cottage's kitchen hasn't changed much since the days when candles were made here - the flagstones still spotted with drops of wax in places.

Marian and Edmund are both Healers by trade, and this little study nook is the perfect place to brush up on their potions and research. (The open books on the desk are a computer).

Upstairs there is the large master bedroom, with a copper bath, a nursery for young Pippa Knutsbridge, and a bathroom.

Again, the furnishings are practical rather than decorative up here.

The second floor holds Grandma Elsa's bedroom, and also some space which can be converted as the family grow.

Elsa's room is her sanctuary, a place for her to get away from it all.

 And finally, there is a large attic, again giving the family room to expand.

Out the back of the cottage is the outhouse (toilet), and steps down to the hives.

 Although it's not the farm it once was, Elsa and Marian like to keep the tradition going, gathering honey to sell at the market.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Sim Index

The index of all of my sims, alphabetically (within families). These will eventually be linked to the sim's profile.
(c) means this is a canon (invented by JKR) character. All others are my creations.

Ackerley, Amelia
Ackerley, Edgar
Ackerley, Ruth
Ackerley, Stewart (c)
Ackerley, Susan (nee. Bones) (c)

Addler, Cole
Addler, Jenny
Addler, Jimmy
Addler, Joshua
Addler, Leah

Hipworth, Aled
Hipworth, Rhodri

Knutsbridge, Edmund
Knutsbridge, Elsa
Knutsbridge, Marian
Knutsbridge, Pippa

Longbottom, Hannah (nee Abbott) (c)
Longbottom, Neville (c)
Longbottom, Sophie

Lupin, Teddy (c)

Malfoy, Astoria (nee. Greengrass) (c)
Malfoy, Draco (c)
Malfoy, Lucius (c)
Malfoy, Narcissa (c)
Malfoy, Scorpius (c)

McGonagall, Minerva (c)

Mortane, Druscilla

Mortane, Isabella
Mortane, Rhianna
Mortane, Sebastien

Orchid, Damien
Orchid, Phoebe

Orchid, Orion

Potter, Albus Severus (c)
Potter, Ginny (c)
Potter, Harry (c)
Potter, James Sirius (c)
Potter, Lily Luna (c)

Rush, Bernie

Sinistra, Aurora (c)

Sprout, Rose

Weasley, Angelina (nee. Johnson) (c)
Weasley, George (c)
Weasley, Fred II (c)
Weasley, Roxanne (c)

Weasley, Bill (c)
Weasley, Dominique (c)
Weasley, Fleur (nee. Delacour) (c)
Weasley, Louis (c)
Weasley, Victoire (c)

Weasley, Hermione (nee. Granger) (c)
Weasley, Hugo (c)
Weasley, Ron (c)
Weasley, Rose (c)

Seasons, Time and Aging

I will be creating the passing of time manually instead of letting the game control it.

Days of the week

The one thing that the game will control! I play paying attention to the particular day of the week - i.e. no classes at Hogwarts on weekends.

Months and Seasons

I change the season manually by changing the 'seasons order' to repeat the current season. E.g. when it is Autumn, all 4 seasons are set to Autumn. When winter arrives in my game, I will leave introduce winter as the following season, and let the natural change in weather occur, then once in mid-winter, I'll change all seasons to winter.

I haven't yet decided how many weeks I'll play per month, but I will try to cover seasonal events, such as Halloween in October, Christmas in December, and the Easter and Summer holidays. Because of this, I might end up being flexible with how long I play a season, to allow me to play out everything I want to.


After four seasons, it's a new year. Each September a new school year will begin and my students will progress through the years at Hogwarts.

At a later date, I could introduce events into certain years, like the Triwizard Tournament or the Quidditch World Cup.


I play with aging off in every household and will manually age my sims when they reach the appropriate year:

Babies: 0 years
Toddlers: 1-3 years
Children: 4-12 years
Teens: 13-18 years
YA: 19-22 years
Adult: 19/22 - 59 years
Elder: 60+ years

The transition from child to teen happens during the Summer after their 2nd year at Hogwarts.
The transition from teen to YA/Adult happens after their 7th year at Hogwarts.
The transition from YA to Adult happens after 4 University years. I might look at mods to adjust this if it's annoying me.

I play with inTeenimator to allow teens and YAs to carry on relationships as they age up.


I don't know yet!! =(

A Magical Education

How I run the education system in my Harry Potter neighbourhood.

This is subject to change frequently as I'm still in the process of setting the game up.

Pre-School (ages 0-3)

There is no official pre-school curriculum, but learning through play is encouraged.

All parents are expected to teach their toddlers to walk, talk and use the toilet.  If these are not instructed the toddler is forced to grow up badly, and is also at risk of being taken from the parents due to neglect and transfered to another suitable relative/guardian.

Primary School (ages 4-10)

Children may either attend a 'muggle' primary school, regular or private, or they may be taught at home by a parent or tutor.  Children are expected to maintain at least a C grade average.

Learning at home is achieved by Simlogical's school mods.  The children are enrolled in the flexischool and are then taught by a parent or other adult.

All children are expected to have attained at least the following skills before they turn 11:

2 logic points
2 creativity points
2 cooking points

Hogwarts lower classes (ages 11-13)

These represent the first and second years at Hogwarts and are within the 'child' sim age stage.

Arrival and Sorting

In the September following their 11th birthday, children move to Hogwarts and are sorted into their House. In gameplay, the sorting has to occur first, with a trip to the Hogwarts Express followed by the Great Hall community lots. Children are sorted based on their personality points, friendships, family loyalties and other determining factors on the following loose criteria:

Hufflepuff: - high nice points, high relationships with peers and family, a family background of Hufflepuff House, high skills in body and charisma, traits: Hardworking, Charismatic, Generous, Good.

Gryffindor: - high playful points, a family background of Gryffindor House, high skills in body and charisma, traits: Performer, Brave, Charismatic, Confident, Good.

Ravenclaw: - high neat points, low serious points, a family background of Ravenclaw House, a high amount of any skills but especially logic, traits: Bookworm, Logical, Organised, Hard-working, Genius.

Slytherin: - low nice points, a family background of Slytherin, existing friends/connections within Slytherin or 'high places', a high amount of skills in one particular focused area, traits: Entrepreneur, Ambitious, Selfish, Confident, Genius, Hardworking.

Once the house is determined, the child is summoned to the relevant House section using the teleporter cat and moved in. At this point, it is important that they also develop a relationship with their Head of House and housemates, and so the first few days do not contain any lessons for the first years, but rather they can spend the time making relationships and exploring the castle.


Classes consist of both skill-learning, teamwork and also 'gradework'. The latter is done via Simlogical's school table.

The curriculum for 1st and 2nd years consists of:

Astronomy - Logic skilling via the telescopes on the Astronomy tower.
Charms - Charisma and mechanical skilling plus gradework.
Defence Against the Dark Arts - Body and cleaning skilling plus practical partnerwork. (in gameplay in the form of playing and talking interactions)
Herbology - Gardening skill in the greenhouses.
History of Magic - Charisma skilling and gradework.
Potions - Cooking and cleaning skilling plus potions using this cauldron.
Transfiguration - mechanical and creativity skilling.
Flying - Body skilling and teamwork activities (in the form of playing and talking interations).

At the end of the second year, all students should have attained the following skills (total):

2 logic points
2 creativity points
2 cooking points
2 cleaning points
2 mechanical points
1 body point
1 charisma point
a bronze skill badge in gardening.

the above are the equivalent of an 'Acceptable' grade (C grade). 
Lower grades: Poor, Dreadful, Troll.
Higher grades: Exceeds Expectations, Outstanding.

Free time and weekends

Free time and weekends can be spent catching up on homework/skilling, or playing in the Castle grounds.
Letters home may be written (in gameplay - emails).
Uniform does not need to be worn in evenings and at weekends.


All first and second years must be in bed by 9pm, unless attending a night Astronomy class.  All students are assigned a bed within their dormitory which they must keep tidy.

Hogwarts middle classes (ages 13-15)

These represent the third and fourth years at Hogwarts and are within the 'teen' age stage.


In addition to classes taught in years 1 and 2, students may select a minimum of two additional elective classes from the following:

Arithmancy - Logic skilling.
Care of Magical Creatures - cleaning skilling plus training and caring for pets.
Divination - creativity skilling plus pairwork in the form of talking interactions.
Muggle Studies - mechanical and charisma skilling
Ancient Runes - Logic and Creativity skilling

Additional Extra Curricula activities

Music Class
Art Class
Quidditch - in the form of a career
Dance Class - in the form of a career
Tutoring younger years - in the form of a career

Free time and weekends

Third and Fourth years are allowed to spend time in Hogsmeade on certain weekends visiting the shops there or meeting with family in the town.
If on the quidditch team, they may also spend time unaccompanied at the Quidditch pitch for additional practice.


All third and fourth years must be in bed by 10pm, unless attending a night Astronomy class.

Hogwarts OWL year (age 15-16)

This represents the fifth year at Hogwarts.


At the end of the year, all fifth year students sit their OWL exams. They must have achieved the following skills:

4 logic points
3 creativity points
3 cooking points
3 cleaning points
4 mechanical points
2 body point
3 charisma point
a silver skill badge in gardening.

the above are the equivalent of an 'Acceptable' grade (C grade). 
Lower grades: Poor, Dreadful, Troll.
Higher grades: Exceeds Expectations, Outstanding.

Prefects and Quidditch Captain

2 fifth years from each house, one girl, one boy, are selected as House prefect at the start of their fifth year.
This is played out using the prefect career for teens.
Prefects are expected to assist and look after younger years, moderate behaviour in the castle and perform other duties such as cleaning up classrooms or preparing activities.

Fifth year students are eligible to be chosen as Quidditch Captain.
This is played out using the quidditch career for teens. Up to two students per house may be captain/co-captains.

Prefects and Quidditch Captains are entitled to use the prefect's bathroom.

Extra curricular, Free time and Weekends and Bedtime

Are as third and fourth years, but prefects and Quidditch Captains are allowed to be out of bed after hours.

Hogwarts NEWTS years (ages 16-18)

This represents the sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts.


Sixth year students only carry on with 4-6 subjects and can therefore begin to specialise in their skills.

At the end of the seventh year, the student should have achieved at least 4 skill points or a silver badge in the skills associated with their NEWT subjects. This represents an 'Acceptable' at NEWT level.

Particularly talented students may take an advanced class in a subject taught privately by a professor.

Prefects, Quidditch Captain and Head Boy/Girl

Those chosen as prefects in their fifth year, continue to be prefects in their sixth and seventh, unless their behaviour causes the position to be taken away from them.

Sixth and Seventh years are eligible to be Quidditch captain.

One seventh year girl is chosen to be Head Girl and one boy to be Head Boy. These two students act as ambassadors to the school, attending social events and carrying out certain duties.  This is played using the prefect career for teens.

Extra curricular, Free time and Weekends, and Bedtime

As sixth and seventh years are expected to be responsible for their own wellbeing, there is no set curfew for bed. 
Free time and weekends may be spent as the student pleases, and they may visit Hogsmeade village at any time before the hour of 10pm. They may also have a part-time job in Hogsmeade in the evenings and at weekends if they can balance this with their studies.


At the end of the seventh year, the student's School Grade is adjusted dependent on their skills achieved, and this is their final grade.

Seventh years may move back with their parents, into a place of their own, or they may extend their education at a Further Education Academy.


The Christmas and Easter holidays may be spent at home (moving back with the teleport cat) or at Hogwarts. There are no classes during this time, although there may be homework assignments set by professors.

The Summer holidays are spent at home (moving back with the teleport cat) and it is during the Summer after their second year that the age transition from child to teen occurs. Again there are no classes, but time may be spent catching up on skill-building if required.

Some families (or older students with their friends) may use the school holidays to have a holiday abroad.

At the end of the holidays, all students are teleported back to their school House, ready for the new term.

Further Education

Those wishing to extend their education or study for a particular career can spend their young-adult years at an academy or similar. This represents ages 18-22.

The Dilys Derwent Medical Academy - for mediwitches and healers in training.
Auror training at the Ministry - for those wishing to be Aurors.
Wizarding Academy for Dramatic Arts - for music, dance and drama.
Academy of Broom Flying and other Wizarding Sports - for sports studies, leading into the Quidditch Career.
An apprenticeship - in particular subjects: Potions, Runes, etc.

This list will probably be expanded upon as my sims grow up and have aspirations!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Hogsmeade - neighbourhood WIP

This is what the Hogsmeade section of my neighbourhood currently looks like.

The empty lot nearest the camera will be the shrieking shack. Behind that there is a market square and three cottages (side on to the camera). Opposite the cottages is the Three Broomsticks. Next to that is a street of shops including a potions shop and an apothecary.

Opposite the market square are (from left to right) Scrivenshafts, Gladrags, Honeydukes and the Post Office.

The section of the village behind that is currently residential cottages, but this is where Dervish and Bangs and the Hogs Head will be.

On the road going left, there's a fishmongers (with the pond behind), a cottage and this is where Zonkos (possibly now owned by George Weasley and Lee Jordan) and Madam Puddifoots will be.

Hogwarts - Hufflepuff Section

Third installment of Hogwarts Castle is the Hufflepuff Section. Hufflepuff is 'my' house, so it holds a dear part in my heart. I love the descriptions of it being like an earthy hobbit-hole, all comfy and cosy, so I've tried to make it along those lines.

Again, though, this is still a work in progress ;)

The Hufflepuff common room is on the basement level, accessed from a corridor near the kitchens (the kitchens in my castle are in the basement level of the Great Hall which is to the left of this lot. So, using your imagination, you can pretend that the corridor seen here joins up with that lot.)

The Common room entrance is hidden behind some barrels, which you can see in the corridor there. The room itself is round, earthy, full of plants and has two doors leading off to the dormitories. I have just two - one for girls on the right, and one for boys on the left.

The theme of the room is the house colours of yellow and black, along with lots of plants. There's seating around the hearth, and some study area too.

I don't have any round doors, so I had to improvise with half-round windows either side.

The dorm rooms have yellow four-poster beds and yellow curtains. =)

On the floor above, is the Hufflepuff's Head of House's office and apartment. This is currently Sprout, the woman who apparently can't bear to retire. o.o! EDIT: I realised that I'd forgotten that Neville is Herbology prof at this point. So Pomona has to have retired/died. I decided to be lazy and just rename the sim and make the new head of house Pomona's younger sister Rose Sprout, who now teaches Muggle Studies. I gave her an appearance makeover too. haha. This floor also has the Hufflepuff's secret dining room and a public toilet for guests to the lot. Neither of these are 'canon', they just make life easier in the sims.

You can see in this picture, that out the back of this section are some veg patches. I guess this could be part of the kitchen gardens, as the kitchens are so close, but in my game they are tended by Sprout and the Hufflepuffs, to boost their herbology (gardening) skills.

Sprout's apartment is very cosy and cluttered =)

The third floor is largely empty, with just one classroom here.

The classroom - just generic at the moment as I don't have any other professors living in this section. These two students are Bill Weasley's girls Victoire (the blonde) and Dominique (the red-head).

I've been experimenting with simlogical's school set, although haven't had much luck keeping the students in their seats!! They seem to get bored and stop working very quickly. =/

Once I've built all of the main sections of the school and need to pad them out with extra classrooms, this section will probably gain another floor or two with more classrooms and another teacher's apartment.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Grimmauld Place sneak peek

This lot really isn't finished yet. I'm terrible at decorating houses before the family moves in and I get a good feel for how the house will be used, so the inside is still a work in progress!

That aside, here's the external front view of Grimmauld Place! To muggles, this house doesn't appear and they see only 10, 11, 13, 14... so I decided to make the outside of the house quite different from the rest of the street, although still keeping the Georgian Townhouse flavour.

This house is bigger on the inside. In fact, the inside is probably bigger than canon, but I always imagined the Black's to be a wealthy family with a large ancestral home, so the inside of the house stretches from just beside the front doors of both houses next door to it, cheating quite a bit of extra room.

Also, as I am playing from the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, this is the family home to the Potters, which means the inside won't be as dreary and the layout will be fitting to their family. I moved the kitchen up to the ground floor as well because I didn't like the idea of it in the basement, and I figure after 19 years, Harry and Ginny might have decided to rearrange the rooms a little ;)

Hogwarts - Slytherin Dungeons

Here's the next part of Hogwarts; the dungeons! Personally I find extensive basements in the sims difficult to play because of the camera angles, so I decided I would build this with a 'false' basement effect, where the sims enter the building on the upper level. I find this much easier to play, and it also allows for windows!

As always you can click the images to see them larger.

The outside of this building is ugly, and that's because it shouldn't actually exist like this at all, so I just made do and added some railings which are a bit Slytherin-y. The steps there are the entrance into this section, although in my mind, the door just visible on the building next door - which is the entrance hall and great hall - joins up with the entrance lobby in this section. Like film magic!

As with the Ravenclaw section, a lot of this building is empty, or incomplete, and I'll add rooms when I think of things I need to include somewhere.

So the entrance level is the upper ground floor. There's a small lobby area with a corridor. This leads to the Slytherin common room, the Head of Slytherin House's office, and then apartment, a small room (at the bottom of the screen, pictured empty) which currently has some music and art stuff in it in my game and a spiral staircase down to the Potions classroom.

The lower ground floor has the potions classroom and storeroom, but is dominated by the Slytherin common room, bedrooms and bathrooms.

I'm really happy with how the common room turned out. I over-use this fireplace, but it fits in so well with this double-height room.

The small top-level of the common room has some chessboards. These two doors lead to the dormitories - boys on the left, girls on the right.

Both sides of the common room are lined with desks and bookcases for study and homework.

As with the Ravenclaw section, I only made two dormitories, both of which are identical. There is a door off each of them leading to the bathrooms which have toilets, communal showers and an enclosed bath.

I really like how the potions classroom turned out as well.

The store room holds all of the potions ingredients.

Above the potion's classroom and next to the Slytherin entrance, there's an office for the Head of Slytherin House, which has a door leading to her apartment. There is space behind this room which I meant to turn into a private ingredients' store (I remembered Snape had one), and the door to that will go where the ingredients shelf is currently.

The apartment is one room and rather spacious compared to the Ravenclaw Head of House haha. It has a kitchen area, complete with cauldron.

The rest of the space holds the bed and sitting area, a door off to the bathroom, and since this picture was taken, I've added a small dining area.

Talking of dining, I have built the Great Hall in a separate lot, and for storytelling purposes, the students and staff would eat there. However, that isn't convenient to have them all travel to another lot three times a day, so both the Ravenclaw Tower and the Slytherin Dungeons have a secret, unofficial, dining room, where the pupils and resident professors can eat when I can't be bothered to play them at the Great Hall. This just consists of a buffet, a table and a sink in each case.

The Professors' apartments all have a small kitchenette because I imagine realistically, they might like to make themselves a snack in the middle of the night or something, rather than being confined to dining times at the Hall.