Tuesday 9 October 2012

Le Tour Student Center Remake

Le Tour Student Center is one of the EA built community lots for Academie Le Tour University.  I found when playing it that it was so much larger than it needed to be, which was stalling the game, and there wasn't much to do there so I hardly played the lot. I rebuilt it on a smaller lot and remodeled to something more playable for me. =)

You can click the images to see them larger.

I really like the old fashioned style of ALT, but I felt it could go even further. Keeping the rough shape and layout of the original building, I used cyclonesue's castle windows and arches to add a bit of a gothic feel. As you can see the building is a little smaller than the original and the grounds are a LOT smaller. This new version runs a lot more smoothly for me.

Again, out the back the courtyard is the same shape, but a lot smaller and with better use of space. I hate the way the EA lots have these huuuge empty stretches of concrete. There is a small coffee stand and a double fountain, as well as some seating. The passageway in front of the fountains goes right through to the arches at the front.

The ground floor still has the main entrance hall to the right side with a double staircase up and a doorway through to the courtyard. I added a magazine shelf here as well as the electronics, and there's a small cash desk. The space along the bottom of the original building has been condensed a lot, shifting the toilets across. On the other side of the passageway, there's a small common room of sorts with chess table, bookshelves and seating.

Upstairs, I did away with the individual study rooms as I never use them (and you certainly don't need that many!!) and introduced a study area with computers, desks and bookshelves in the corner area. The pool area remains and there's a dart board up here too.

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