Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Rush Family

Bernie Rush
Broomstick Cottages (Hogsmeade)

Bernie is a playable-NPC in Hogsmeade. This means that he is a sim that I have created, lives in a house and owns a business, but I do not actually play him, unless it is to add skills/relationships or progress his business.

Bernie Rush is a mean-spirited and grumpy old man that runs Hogsmeade's fishmongers. He doesn't care much for the students of Hogwarts always invading 'his' village and can often go out of his way to be mean to them. On the other hand, he loves to fish and anyone that might share that hobby of his can be grudgingly welcomed to the ponds behind his shop.

He lives alone in the smaller of the two Broomstick Cottages, opposite the Three Broomsticks Pub.

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